государственное бюджетное учреждение здравоохранения Владимирской области



for foreign citizens who want to enter

to the Russian Federation for treatment


   1) Arrival of a foreign citizen to the Russian Federation for the purpose of treatment under the restrictions adopted by the Russian Federation, taking into account the current epidemiological situation, should be considered as an urgent need to provide highly qualified assistance by medical personnel of medical institutions of the Russian Federation.

   2) For providing a foreign national with false information to receive permission to enter the territory of the Russian Federation for treatment and providing when crossing the state border of the Russian Federation of counterfeit documents confirming an invitation for the treatment in medical institutions of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability according to article 322 of the criminal code "Illegal crossing of the State border of the Russian Federation".

This information note is valid under restrictions related to the current epidemiological situation for a new coronavirus infection (C0VID-19).


   l. Foreign citizen must choose a medical organization to receive medical services. Please note that the form of ownership of a medical organization does not matter. A foreign citizen has the right to apply to both public and private medical organizations. A list of some medical organizations can be found on the website https://russiamedtravel.ru/;

   2. After selecting a medical organization, contact its representatives. A medical organization may request information from a foreign patient that is necessary to clarify the possibility of providing medical services requested by a foreign citizen, as well as to make a decision on issuing documents for an invitation.

   3. Currently, the following procedure applies for processing documents for entry into the territory of the Russian Federation:

   a) for citizens of foreign States that are subject to visa-free regime, in conditions complicated by this epidemiological situation related to a new coronavirus infection (CVID-19), in accordance with paragraph 1 of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation "on amendments to the orders of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 16, 2020 No. 635-p and of March 27, 2020 No. 763-p" of June 6, 2020 No. 1511-p, a foreign citizen has the right to enter the Russian Federation for treatment, subject to submission of valid documents proving their identity and recognized by the Russian Federation in this quality, and visa or without visa in the cases stipulated by international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as documents (copies of documents), issued by the medical institution confirming the invitation to the treatment, with the time of treatment or the documents (copies of documents), issued by the Ministry of health of Russia.

Thus, when crossing the border Of the Russian Federation, along with an identity document, you must present documents issued by a medical organization confirming the invitation to treatment, indicating the time of treatment (copies of documents).

   b) for citizens of foreign States that are not subject to the visa-free entry procedure to the Russian Federation, if a medical organization makes a positive decision regarding the possibility of providing medical services to a foreign citizen in this medical organization, such medical organization should apply to the migration Department of the territorial body of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia at the regional level with a request for an invitation to enter to the Russian Federation of a foreign citizen or a stateless person for subsequent processing of an ordinary business visa for the purpose of "treatment".

Additionally note that the list of documents to be submitted along with the petition, the order and terms of registration of invitations determined by paragraphs 24, 27, 62-82 and 122-131 of the Administrative regulations of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on granting of the state service on registration and issuance of invitations to enter the Russian Federation foreign citizens and persons without citizenship, approved by order of Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia from September 21, 2017, No. 735 (this information is posted on the official website of the Ministry of internal Affairs (MVD.RF) in sub-section "Legal information" section in the "For citizens»);

   - the invitation can be issued at the applicant's choice

on paper or in the form of an electronic document;

   - the issued invitation is sent to a foreign person

for a citizen to apply to a diplomatic mission

or a consular office abroad where, on the basis of this

the issue of issuing a visa is also being considered.

Thus, when crossing the border of the Russian Federation, along with an identity document and a visa, you must present documents issued by a medical organization confirming the invitation to treatment, indicating the time of treatment (copies of documents).

   4. Additionally, please note that when planning your arrival to the territory of the Russian Federation currently account should be taken of current data on epidemiological regime of the Russian Federation, which is sent to the foreign national. This information can be clarified on the website of Rospotrebnadzor https://www.rospotrebnadzor.ru/about/info/news/.

ГБУЗ ВО "Суздальская РБ"

e-mail root@crb.souzdal.elcom.ru,

